Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The kids are in their third day of AIMS testing; they get crazy focused. It's really interesting to see how amped the get about something like this, even those who don't give a fuck about school 99% of the time.

In my homeroom, I saw a girl come in with a book, a pencil, dress code-appropriate clothing, and a smile I rarely see - one that says she's here to try, rather than throw things. I raised an eyebrow, and she just said simply "Oh, no, I don't fuck around with AIMS. I come to work for this test," took her seat, and asked for a pencil.

Also, I have now done with them several college theater warm-ups before each section. They love shaking out their limbs and counting down by halves; they're interested in the "It feels so good just like I knew it would," but are having trouble with the rhythm (having me teach it probably doesn't help), but I caught them working on it at lunch; they like grabbing hands and squeezing a pulse around a group, and have a blast trying to count communally.

I stay with my homeroom all day, but I also see some of the other kids going to and from lunch - I was really happy, because they ran up to me to tell me "Mr.BubinMr.BubinImadeamegabubblemapandIevenT-chartedmyessay (pause to breathe) aren't you proud of me?"

That was pretty sweet.

My netbook crashed last week; apparently the motherboard melted. I don't fucking know. It means I have no computer for a few weeks, which is obnoxious, because progress reports are due soon, and my plans to start cranking out two or three pieces of erotica a week just got derailed.

The site launches in June, apparently; I wanted to have a good dozen stories up there before it gets underway.

On a vaguely related topic, I am a very productive motherfucker, even under the influence. I've been shitting out poems, and poem concepts, at a crazy rate. Even better, though, to tie it all back to the AIMS, three other teachers today showed me poems they'd written, that they finally wanted to share. One was about her kids; two were about their lives. It made me really happy. I'm going to post 'em, I think, and give 'em some credit.

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